Operation Manual

Appendix C. Theme Tags 181
C.8. Playlist/Song Info
Tag Description
%pb Progress Bar. This will replace the entire line with a
progress bar. You can set the position, width and height of
the progressbar (in pixels) and load a custom image for it:
%px Percentage played in song
%pc Current time in song
%pe Total number of playlist entries
%pm Peak Meter. The entire line is used as volume peak meter.
%pL Peak meter for the left channel. Can be used as a value, a
conditional tag or a bar tag.
%pR Peak meter for the right channel. Can be used as a value, a
conditional tag or a bar tag.
%pn Playlist name (without path or extension)
%pp Playlist position
%pr Remaining time in song
%ps “s” if shuffle mode is enabled
%pt Total track time
%pv Current volume (in dB). Can also be used in a conditional:
0 is used for mute, the last option is used for values greater
than zero. This can also be used like %pb to provide a con-
tinuous scale: %pv(x,y,[width],[height],image.bmp)
%pS Track is starting. An optional number gives how many seconds
the tag remains true for after the start of the track. The de-
fault is 10 seconds if no number is specified. %?pS(7)<in the
first 7 seconds of track|in the rest of the track>
%pE Track is ending. An optional number gives how many seconds
before the end of the track the tag becomes true. The default
is 10 seconds if no number is specified. %?pE(7)<in the last
7 seconds of track|in the rest of the track>
%Sp Current playback pitch
C.9. Playlist Viewer
Tag Description
%Vp(start,code to
Display the playlist viewer in the current viewport.
‘start’ is the offset relative to the currently playing track for the playlist to display
The Rockbox manual (version 3.10) Packard Bell Vibe 500