Operation Manual

Appendix C. Theme Tags 184
The tag can also be used as the switch in a conditional tag. For players without
certain capabilities (e.g. no FM radio) some values will never be returned.
You are in the %?cs<Main menu|WPS|Recording screen|FM Radio screen>
%?if(%cs, =, 2)<This is the WPS>
C.17. List Title (.sbs only)
Tag Description
%Lt Title text. Should be used in a conditional so that non-list
screens don’t show a title when they shouldn’t
%Li Title icon. This uses the same order as custom icons (see
ZCustomIcons in the wiki) except that here 0 is “no icon”
This tag can be used to give custom formatting to list titles. Define a viewport with
the font and formatting desired, and then use %?Lt<%Lt> to display the title within the
viewport. If %Lt is present anywhere in the .sbs, then the %Vi viewport will not show
the title.
C.18. Changing Volume
Tag Description
%mv(t) “v” if the volume is being changed
The tag produces the letter “v” while the volume is being changed and some amount of
time after that, i.e. after the volume button has been released. The optional parameter
t specifies that amount of time, in seconds. If it is not specified, 1 second is assumed.
The tag can be used as the switch in a conditional tag to display different things
depending on whether the volume is being changed. It can produce neat effects when
used with conditional viewports.
Example: %?mv(2.5)<Volume changing|%pv>
The example above will display the text “Volume changing” if the volume is being
changed and 2.5 seconds after the volume button has been released. After that, it will
display the volume value.
C.19. Settings
Tag Description
The value of the Rockbox setting with the specified name. See
section D (page 192) for the list of the available settings.
The Rockbox manual (version 3.10) Packard Bell Vibe 500