Operation Manual

Chapter 4. Browsing and playing 35
Key Action
Play Toggle pitch changing mode (cycle
through all available modes).
Scroll Up /
Scroll Down
Increase / Decrease pitch by 0.1% (in pro-
centual mode) or 0.1 semitone (in semi-
tone mode).
Prev / Next Temporarily change pitch by 2% (beat-
match), or modify speed (in timestretch
Menu Reset pitch and speed to 100%.
OK Leave the Pitch Screen.
4.4. Working with Playlists
4.4.1. Playlist terminology
Some common terms that are used in Rockbox when referring to playlists:
Directory. A playlist! One of the keys to getting the most out of Rockbox is under-
standing that Rockbox always considers the song that it is playing to be part of a
playlist, and in some situations, Rockbox will create a playlist automatically. For
example, if you are playing the contents of a directory, Rockbox will automatically
create a playlist containing all songs in it. This means that just about anything
that is described in this chapter with respect to playlists also applies to directories.
Dynamic playlist. A dynamic playlist is a playlist that is created “On the fly. Any
time you insert or queue tracks using the Playlist submenu (see section 4.4.3
(page 37)), you are creating (or adding to) a dynamic playlist.
Insert. In Rockbox, to Insert an item into a playlist means putting an item into a
playlist and leaving it there, even after it is played. As you will see later in this
chapter, Rockbox can Insert into a playlist in several places.
Queue. In Rockbox, to Queue a song means to put the song into a playlist and then
to remove the song from the playlist once it has been played. The only difference
between Insert and Queue is that the Queue option removes the song from the
playlist once it has been played, and the Insert option does not.
4.4.2. Creating playlists
Rockbox can create playlists in four different ways.
The Rockbox manual (version 3.10) Packard Bell Vibe 500