Operation Manual

Chapter 4. Browsing and playing 36
By selecting (“playing”) a song from the File Browser
Whenever a song is selected from the File Browser with Next, Rockbox will auto-
matically create a playlist containing all of the songs in that directory and start playback
with the selected song.
Note: If you already have created a dynamic playlist, playing a new song will erase the
current dynamic playlist and create a new one. If you want to add a song to the current
playlist rather than erasing the current playlist, see the section below on how to add
music to a playlist.
By using Insert and Queue functions
If playback is stopped, the Insert and Queue functions can be used as described in
4.4.3 to create a new playlist instead of adding to an existing one. This will erase any
dynamic playlist.
By using the Playlist catalogue
The Playlist catalogue makes it possible to modify and create playlists that are
not currently playing. To do this select Playlist catalogue in the Context Menu.
There you will have two choices, Add to playlist adds the selected track or directory
to an existing playlist and Add to a new playlist creates a new playlist containing
the selected track or directory.
Note: All playlists in the Playlist catalogue are stored by default in the /Playlists
directory in the root of your player’s disk and playlists stored in other locations are not
included in the catalogue. It is however possible to move existing playlists there (see
section 4.1.2 (page 24)).
By using the Main Menu
To create a playlist containing all music on your player, you can use the Create
Playlist command in the Playlists menu found in the Main Menu. The created
playlist will be named root.m3u8 and saved in the root of your player’s disk.
The Rockbox manual (version 3.10) Packard Bell Vibe 500