Operation Manual

Chapter 5. The Main Menu 41
5.3. Recent Bookmarks
Figure 5.2.: The list bookmarks screen
If the Save a list of recently created bookmarks option is enabled then you can
view a list of several recent bookmarks here and select one to jump straight to that track.
Note: Bookmarking only works when tracks are launched from the file browser, and
does not currently work for tracks launched via the database. In addition, they do not
currently work with dynamic playlists.
Key Action
Scroll Down Select the next bookmark.
Scroll Up Select the previous bookmark.
Next or OK Resume from the selected bookmark.
Prev or Cancel Exit Recent Bookmark menu.
Long Cancel Delete the currently selected bookmark.
Long Menu Enter the context menu for the selected
There are two options in the context menu:
Resume will commence playback of the currently selected bookmark entry.
Delete will remove the currently selected bookmark entry from the list.
This entry is not shown in the Main Menu when the option is off (the default setting).
See section 8.6 (page 68) for more details on configuring bookmarking in Rockbox.
5.4. Files
Browse the files on your player (see section 4.1 (page 23)).
The Rockbox manual (version 3.10) Packard Bell Vibe 500