Operation Manual

Chapter 5. The Main Menu 44
Key Action
Scroll Up /
Scroll Down
Select setting.
Prev / Next Adjust selected setting.
Play Start recording.
While recording: pause recording (press
again to continue).
Cancel Exit Recording Screen.
While recording: Stop recording.
Rec Start recording.
While recording: close the current file and
open a new one.
Long Menu Open Recording Settings (see sec-
tion 10 (page 75)).
5.9. Playlists
This menu allows you to work with playlists. Playlists can be created in three ways.
Playing a file in a directory causes all the files in it to be placed in a playlist. Playlists can
be created manually by either using the Context Menu (see section 4.1.2 (page 24))
or using the Playlist menu. Both automatically and manually created playlists can be
edited using this menu.
Create Playlist: Rockbox will create a playlist with all tracks in the current directory
and all sub-directories. The playlist will be created one directory level “up” from
where you currently are.
View Current Playlist: Displays the contents of the playlist currently stored in memory.
Save Current Playlist: Saves the current dynamic playlist, excluding queued tracks, to
the specified file. If no path is provided then playlist is saved to the current
View Catalogue: Provides a simple interface to maintain several playlists (see sec-
tion 4.4 (page 35)).
5.10. Plugins
With this option you can load and run various plugins that have been written for Rock-
box. There are a wide variety of these supplied with Rockbox, including several games,
some impressive demos and a number of utilities. A detailed description of the different
plugins is to be found in section 12 (page 80).
The Rockbox manual (version 3.10) Packard Bell Vibe 500