User Manual

Chapter 1 Page 23
Graffiti menu commands
Most menu commands have an equivalent Graffiti Command stroke,
which is similar to the keyboard shortcuts used to execute commands
on computers. The command letters appear to the right of the
command names.
Draw the Command stroke anywhere in the Graffiti area. When you
draw the Command stroke, the Command toolbar appears just above
the Graffiti writing area to indicate that you are in Command mode.
The command toolbar displays context sensitive menu commands for
the current screen. For example, if you select text, the undo, cut, copy,
and paste menu icons appear. Tap an icon to select the command, or
immediately write the corresponding command letter in the Graffiti
writing area. For example, to choose Copy in the Edit menu, draw the
Command stroke, followed by the letter “c.”
Note: Command mode is only active for a short time, so you must
tap an icon or write the command letter immediately to choose
the menu command. In web clipping applications, the
command toolbar is available only when you select text or text
in your handheld’s memory is available to paste or undo.
Command letters
Menu commands
CutUndo Copy Paste Beam Delete