User's Manual

bookmarks 119
business cards 65
contacts 60
email messages 90, 117
events 154, 155
multimedia messages
partnerships 70, 126
passwords 211, 212
playlists 149, 150
private entries 212
speed-dial buttons 66–67
text memos 171
text messages 102–103
voice captions 136, 137,
voice memos 171
CSD (circuit-switched data)
connections 249
current date and time 160
current events 76
Current Privacy list 213
customer service 3
applications 205–207
buttons 206
calendar 158–159
chat sessions 110
email 96–99
hands-free devices 72
MMS messaging 109
system date and time 214
system sounds 201–202
tasks 165
web browser 123–125
daily events 159
See informat
data ser
vice icons 118
data services 85, 117, 239
databases 175
Date & Time Preferences
screen 155, 214
date formats 203
date preferences 214
Date stamp pick list 139
See also calendar
adding to photos 139
changing event 157
completing tasks and 163,
164, 165
selecting 154
setting system 214
sorting on 108
viewing current 160
viewing due 164, 165
Day View 153, 158
daylight savings 161, 162
decimal values 177, 203
decompression utilities 179
Default Alarm pick list 160
Default Apps Preferences
screen 207
default settings 206
Default View pick list 76, 158
degrees 177
delays 212, 239, 240
Delete Contact command 65
Delete events older than pick
list 157
Delete From pick list 181
Delete Memo command 171
Delete Task command 165
Deleted folder
s 143, 144
alerts 176
applications 19, 180, 181
attachments 91
bookmarks 120
contacts 64
cookies 125
device names 20
email 95, 244
events 157