User's Manual

multimedia messages 99
partnerships 67, 120
passwords 207, 208
playlists 144, 145
private entries 208
QuickText phrases 98
signatures 95
speed-dial buttons 62–63
tasks 158
text messages 97–100
voice memos 167
wallpaper 137
CSD (circuit-switched data)
current date and time 156
current events 73
Current Privacy pick list 208,
customer service (Cingular
Wireless) 245
customer service (Palm) 245
applications 201–202
buttons 202
calendar 154–155
camera 132
chat sessions 105
contacts 60
email 92–95
Keyguard 204
messaging options 104
system date and time 210
system sounds 197–198
tasks 161
Treo 129, 195
web browser 117–119
daily events
Daily Repeating Events
check box 155
daily schedules 149
data. See information
data service icons 235, 236
data services 81, 111
data transfer 1, 76
databases 171
Date & Time Preferences
screen 151, 210
date formats 199
date preferences 210
Date stamp pick list 133
adding to photos 133
changing event 153
completed tasks and 160,
displaying 149, 156
selecting 150
setting 159, 210
sorting on 103
synchronizing 210
viewing due 160, 161
datestamps 133
Day View 149, 154
daylight savings 157, 158
Daylight Savings Time check
box 158
decimal display formats
(calculator) 173
decimal values 173, 199
decompression utilities 175
Default Alarm pick list 156
Default Apps Preferences
screen 203
default settings 202
Default View pick list
73, 154
degrees 173
delays 207, 235
Delete command 91, 138,
delete confirmation
messages 105
Delete Contact command 60
Delete events older than pick
list 153
Delete From pick list 176