User's Manual

Discovery icon 124
Discovery Results list 124,
178, 179
discussion groups 245
disk space (Treo) 17, 18, 240
Display my name in chat
window as entry field 105
Display Options command
Display Options dialog box
alerts 171
alternate characters 34
application information
application menus 29
applications 201
attachments 90, 97
available disk space 18
bookmarks 113
connection status 76, 112,
122, 234, 236
contact information 45, 58
current date and time 156
due dates 160, 161
email messages 89
error messages 242
event categories 154
events 73, 149, 154, 155
favorite buttons 45
items in pick lists 30
multimedia messages 102
overdue tasks 149
personal calendar 149
photos 129, 133, 138
private entries 209
Quick Tour documentation
signal strength 76
slide shows
tasks 154, 160, 161
unread messages 77,
149, 154
video clips 133, 134, 138
video recording time 131
voicemail messages 76
web addresses 118
web pages 111, 112
DOC files 165
documentation 2, 3, 27, 245
Documents application 97,
Documents button 166
Documents To Go application
Documents To Go icon 166
Down button (navigator) 28,
29, 30
applications 115, 175
attachments 90
email messages 92, 97
files 115, 133, 174
multimedia messages 106
Palm-specific information
and updates 245
ringtones 69
text messages 100
Downloads bookmark 115
drafts 87, 98
Drafts button 87
drained battery icon 13
draining the battery 11, 13
Draw on command 131
drivers 187
Due Date pick list 159
due dates 159, 161
DUN (dial-up networking)
connections 77, 119–122,
earpiece 7
eBooks 19
echoes 232