User's Manual

Index 395
Infrared port. See IR port
infrared-enabled devices 10
inserting battery 8, 11
installer 255
applications 255–??, 255–257, 346,
bonus software 255
synchronization software 26
third-party applications 319
interference 331, 333
international characters 353
international clock 246, 288
international travel adapters 307
Internet connections 354
enabling 55
installing from 256
opening 108
setting up proxy server for 172
troubleshooting 340
viewing online album from 200
invalid characters 150
invoicing information 352
IR devices 354
IR port 10, 264, 354
highlighting 41
selecting or activating 42
iTunes 205
accessing alternate characters on 47
dialing with 58
locking 297, 299
overview 45–48
restoring factory defaults for 292
selecting menu commands with 43
setting timed events with 226
setting up Quick Keys for 78
silencing ringer from 63
keyboard shortcuts 292
Keyguard 297
Keyguard preferences 298, 299
Known Caller Tone pick list 88, 90
language settings 320
large attachments 346
launching applications 50, 279
LED display 7
length conversions 249
lens (camera) 8
letters. See characters
liability 2
light. See indicator light
lightning bolts 14
Li-Ion battery. See battery
Li-Ion technology 354
links. See Web links
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