User's Manual

404 Index
restricting location information 95
text messages 101
retrieving voicemail messages 101
Review photos/videos pick list 192
adjusting volume 7, 90
downloading tones for 109
selecting tones for 88
ringer switch 10, 284
Ringers icon 109
Ringtone pick list 91
ringtones 132
assigning to caller IDs 221
roaming 16, 98
Roaming icon 98
Roaming message 100
roaming status 101
Roaming Tone pick list 89, 90
safe resets 315
safety guidelines 361
Save as Wallpaper command 198
Save Page command 167
images 164
notes 240
photos 188, 189
Web pages 167
schedules. See Calendar application
scheduling events 226
activating items on 42
adjusting brightness 17, 286
assigning Quick Keys to specific 78
automatically turning off 296
customizing 286–289
decreasing Auto-off setting for 17
disabling items on 297
highlighting items on 41
moving around in 40–??
realigning 289
selecting items on 42
selecting wallpaper for 110
specifications for 379
troubleshooting problems with 320
turning off 54
turning on and off 7, 302
turning on or off 296
waking up 69
screen fonts 287
screen savers 110
Screen Savers icon 110
scrolling 41
SD cards 10, 276
SDIO cards 10, 276
searching for signal 17
secure connections 174
Secure Digital cards 10, 276
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