User manual

170 :: Index
features 9
freeing space on 109, 155
locking 129, 130, 131
resetting 131, 139–140, 145
setting up 16
storing data on 33
transferring information to 29,
troubleshooting 153, 156
turning on and off 15
tutorial for 35
viewing power status for 14
trigonometric functions 97
troubleshooting 138, 153, 156
TTY icon 39
turning down volume 17
turning handset on and off 15
turning on keyboard backlight 15,
24, 121
turning on Wireless Mode 15
turning screen on and off 15, 34
Tutorial 35
Typing Starts Contacts Search
preference 40
unauthorized users 129
unlocking keyguard 16
unlocking the handset 130
unread messages 69
untimed events 85, 86
updating information 32
upgrades 29, 109, 136, 146
uppercase letters 25
urgent messages 69
URLs 68
USB hubs 30
USB ports 30
user discussion groups 35
application information 110
bookmarks 58
calendar 84, 87, 88
events 88
expansion card information
images 56, 61
pictures 64, 66
private records 134
recently dialed numbers 42
text messages 68
To Do List items 89, 90, 92
web pages 56, 58
voice messages 44
checking messages for 39
retrieving messages 39, 45
sending messages to 43
setting up 44
Voicemail Favorites button 44
voicemail icon 45
voicemail services 43, 44
volume buttons 11, 17, 116, 118
volume conversions 97
VP icon 50
wallpaper 63, 118, 119
warranty 111
web browsing
customizing 61
overview 56
requirements for 5, 8
troubleshooting 143, 151
web links 21, 54, 56, 68
web pages
adding bookmarks for 57
clearing cache for 155
copying from 60
dialing from 42
disabling images on 61
displaying 56, 58
navigating through 56, 57, 60
opening from text messages
refreshing 56
removing bookmarks for 58
reverse type in 21
saving 58
searching 61
setting Favorites buttons for
viewing history lists for 60
viewing offline 58
weekly events 86
weight conversions 97
Wide Page Mode command 57