Instruction Manual Part 15

Using Wireless Features
2. Tap the Menu icon .
3. Tap Edit, and then tap Copy Page.
4. Open one of the handheld applications, such as Memo Pad.
5. Create a new record.
6. Tap the Menu icon.
7. Tap Edit, and then tap Paste.
For example, here are the directions found in the sample procedure above, pasted
into Memo Pad:
Keep the following points in mind about the Copy Page command:
Copying always starts at the top of the current clipping or page, regardless of
what is displayed onscreen.
The Copy Page command copies only the first 4,000 bytes (4KB) of data. If the
clipping or page you copy contains more than 4KB of data, your handheld
appends the word “truncated” to the end of the pasted text.
Use the Info command in the Options menu to find out how large a
clipping is.
The Copy Page command does not copy images or icons; table structures; or text
formatting such as bold, italics, and so on.
Sending e-mail from a page
Note to Andover/Mimi-G team: The following text is a pickup from MultiMail SE
for the Battra project. Does this apply for Everest? I can’t find a WCA with a mailto
link. Please confirm or edit as needed.
If a web clipping application or clipping gives you the opportunity to reply to an
e-mail address, you can do so.
To send e-mail from a page:
1. Tap the address displayed in the page.
MultiMail Deluxe opens. The To: field contains the address to reply to.