
Table Of Contents
Page 6 Applications Handbook for the Palm III Organizer
Choosing Types of Phone Numbers
Your Palm III organizer enables you to choose the types of phone
numbers or e-mail addresses that you associate with an Address Book
entry. Any changes you make will apply only to the current Address
Book entry.
To choose other types of phone numbers in an Address Book entry:
1. Tap the Address Book entry that you want to change to display
the Address View screen for that entry.
2. Tap the Edit button to display the Address Edit screen for
that entry.
3. Tap the pick list next to the label you want to change.
4. Tap the new label you want to use.
Assigning Address Categories
Categories can help you file individual Address Book entries into
groups for easy review. You can assign and edit categories in the
Address Book or by using the Categories pick list in the Details dialog
(see “Using Categories” in the Basic Handbook for the Palm III Organizer
for a complete description of categories).
To assign a category to an Address Book entry:
1. Tap the Address Book entry you want to assign to a category.
2. Tap the Edit button in the Address View screen to display the
Address Edit screen.
3. Tap the pick list in the upper-right corner and tap the category that
you want to assign to the Address Book entry.
apps.bk : apps.fm5 Page 6 Thursday, June 4, 1998 12:54 PM