
Table Of Contents
Chapter 4 Page 43
At this point, your Expense data appears in Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet form. You can enter information, make formatting
changes and save and print the file in the normal manner.
Using Expense Report Templates
Palm Desktop software comes with several expense report templates.
When you use one of these templates, you can edit your Expense data
in Microsoft Excel. If you want to streamline or customize your
expense reports, you can change these templates. For example, you
can add your company name to a template. See “Appendix A:
Expense Templates” for sample templates and “Appendix B: Creating
a Custom Expense Report” for details on changing templates.
To view your Expense data using a Microsoft Excel template:
1. Display your Expense data in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet as
described in the previous procedure.
2. Click the Options button to open the Expense Report Options
3. Enter name, department and other information as necessary for
your expense report.
4. Click the Templates menu, then click an expense template. See
“Appendix A: Expense Templates” for samples.
Note: If you want to create your own custom expense template
and have it appear in the Templates menu, refer to
“Appendix B: Creating a Custom Expense Report.”
5. Click the OK button to return to the Expense Report Options
Choose expense
Enter name and
other information
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