
Table Of Contents
Page 72 Applications Handbook for the Palm III Organizer
Adding Message Details
Before you send your message, you can attach additional attributes
(called message details) to your message, such as a signature block, or
flagging the message as high-priority. These features are dependent
on the desktop e-mail application you use. If your e-mail application
does not support the message detail you select, your Palm III
organizer cannot attach that attribute to your message.
The following message details are available:
Note: The Priority and BCC settings are valid only for the current
message and must be set with each subsequent message you
Setting a Priority
To set a priority for your message:
1. Tap the Details button in the New Message screen to open the
Message Details dialog.
Flags a message as high, normal or low priority.
Creates a blind carbon copy field in the New
Message screen.
Attaches previously defined text as a signature
block. See “Adding a Signature to Your Message”
later in this chapter for details.
Requests a confirmation telling you when the
message was read.
Requests a confirmation telling you when the
message was delivered.
Tap here
apps.bk : apps.fm5 Page 72 Thursday, June 4, 1998 12:54 PM