User's Manual

Exchange ActiveSync 241,
250, 252
Exchange Address Book 236
Exchange Server credentials
screen 234
Exchange Server sync
options 72, 234
Exchange Servers
accessing 151
getting email from 90
setting up accounts for
synchronizing with 11, 68,
81, 234
troubleshooting 241
exiting applications 28, 218
expanding lists in fields 23
expansion card slot 6, 193,
expansion cards
as storage medium 245
browsing on 197
displaying available space
on 196, 218
inserting 193–194
installing apps on 189
moving apps to 196
moving information to
170, 181, 196
opening items on 195
removing 194
renaming 197
searching on 185, 186
storing attachments on
92, 96
transferring files to 140,
144, 195, 196
types supported 193
extensions (phone) 49
external power sources 219
External Power tab 25
Extra Digits button 41, 49
Extra Digits text box 49
Extract command 46
factory settings 145
factory-installed applications
190, 265
favorites 117–118
See also web pages
Favorites button 118
Favorites command 118
FCC Statement 255
features 1
Federal Trade Commission
website 217
feedback 245
fields. See
entry fields
File Explorer 185, 186–187,
File Explorer icon 186
file names 168, 170, 185
file types
displaying 171
documents 165
Media Player 140
multimedia 102
pictures 136
videos 136
accessing from corporate
accounts 221
browsing 186
decompressing 187
deleting 187, 245
downloading 118
moving 170, 187
saving 195
searching for 185, 186
selecting multiple 187
transferring to expansion
cards 140, 144, 195,
Files folder 165
Files sync option 165
fill series (spreadsheets) 177