- Handbook for Palm Tungsten T Handhelds

Setting General Preferences
To hide all private records:
1. From the General Preferences screen, select Security.
2. Tap the Current Privacy pick list and select Hide Private Records.
3. Tap OK to confirm that you want to hide private records.
4. Tap Don e.
To mask all private records:
1. From the General Preferences screen, select Security.
2. Tap the Current Privacy pick list and select Mask Private Records.
3. Tap OK to confirm that you want to mask private records.
4. Tap Don e.
To display all private records:
1. From the General Preferences screen, select Security.
2. Tap the Current Privacy pick list and select Show Private Records.
If you do not have a password, hidden and masked records become visible.
If you have a password, the Show Private Records dialog box appears. Go to
step 3.
Tap Hide
Ta p M a s k