Users Manual Part 2

MF-Admin server has two features: Area Time Control and Lock Scheduling which will help
you to complete this task in a second without re-issuing any cards.
Area Time Control
Area Time Control is another layer of time control which logically AND with the time
control you set on the Mifare card during card creation for a specific area/lockplace.
Area Time Control setting will take effect to all the residential cards (NOTE:
exceptions exist if you change the access rule, we will discuss it later). Therefore,
when you want to restrict the access of swimming pool to a certain time period of a
day in a weekly manner, area time control is here for this task.
Suppose your card has the access right of swimming pool for 24 hours everyday.
And the area time control of swimming pool is only for Saturday and Sunday 24
hours. Then you are only able to access swimming pool on Saturday and Sunday.
Note that this approach can not completely shut down the swimming pool because if
you leave all the time control cells blank, it means NO time control. To complete shut
down a public area, you better use Lock Scheduling feature.
To demonstrate how to set the area time control, follow below steps. (Note that you
set time control for an area, not a lock.).
Area time control allows to set the public
Steps to set area time control for swimming pool
Navigate to Area Time Control Setup page.
Lock Management => Area Time Control