Users Manual Part 2

Assume the area time control of swimming pool is only for Saturday and
Sunday 24 hours. Let’s edit swimming pool time control to meet the
requirement, click Save to save time control setting.
You can see the lock on Public Area P is blinking which means there is a
time control setting over this area.
Lock Scheduling
Lock scheduling has nothing to do with Mifare card. It can be used to control the
schedule to lock/unlock a lock. In SIMPLE project case, we may use lock operation
mode to control the locking status. Three modes are available for a lock (not an
Normal (default) : Scan card is needed.
Passage : Keep the lock unlocked, scan card is not necessary.
Private : It acts like normal mode. In combination with the NoPrivacy access
rule, only Staff Card (and Master Card of course) can access the private area.
But you may change the access rule to block all cards except Master Card.
Therefore, set the operation mode to Private will block all non-staff cards now.
Steps to set operation mode
Navigate to lock operation page. Lock Management => Lock Scheduling