Sell Sheet

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Case Study 1: BlueBOLT® Makes The Grade At SLU
Client: Saint Louis University
Integrator: TSI Global
SLU is a Catholic, Jesuit university ranked among the top 100
institutions in the United States. Founded in 1818, it is also
the oldest university west of the Mississippi and the second
oldest Jesuit university in the nation. In 2010, the University
made the decision to retrot 17 of its older classrooms with
the latest A/V technology, including new projectors, control
systems, audio mixers, video switchers, and even a 5×5 video
wall as the centerpiece of one room on its medical campus.
“With BlueBOLT®, we receive notications
in the event of a power issue at one of these
high-prole teaching spaces, and have the
ability to respond immediately.
Paul Murdick
Vice President of AV for TSI Global
“For SLU, system reliability was a key factor for the upgraded
classrooms,” noted Paul Murdick, vice president of AV for
integration rm TSI Global. “Not only did new equipment
require protection from power anomalies, but the University
needed to be able to respond quickly to minimize any
potential downtime, all while keeping operational costs at a
Each of the 17 revamped classrooms features one M4315-
PRO, enabling SLU to manage all components on an individual
level, while also monitoring how much power is being drawn
across the system.
“While Panamax/Furman is renowned for their power
protection, what really set the M4315-PRO apart for us is its
BlueBOLT capability. With BlueBOLT, we receive notications
in the event of a power issue at one of these high-prole
teaching spaces, and have the ability to respond immediately
by power cycling equipment remotely from another ofce,”
said Nathan Burge, senior multimedia support analyst at SLU.
“In addition, its energy management features allow us to log
and monitor overall system energy consumption, helping us to
reduce operational costs.
“The M4315-PRO was an easy choice for this project with
its advanced functionality and Panamax’s reputation for
reliability — all at a low cost,” added Burge. “The classrooms
have recently been completed and the units have performed
awlessly, with staff reporting that the BlueBOLT interface is
extremely simple to use. It’s been such a success that we intend
to include an M4315-PRO in each new classroom we build.
Case Study 2: BlueBOLT® Eases The Pain Of Utility Bills
Client: Chiropractic Ofce, Colorado
Integrator: Capalety Digital Media
BlueBOLT’s menu of scheduled conservation commands allow
integrators or their clients to
schedule times for electronics
to shut on and off. Since the
commands are sent to the outlet
on a BlueBOLT-enabled power
conditioner instead of the
component itself, this provides
several exciting applications to
optimize a system and reduce
operating costs. Periodic
hard-reboots on equipment
such as modems, routers,
automation controllers, and
other networked devices can
substantially reduce equipment
lock ups and optimize system
performance. Additionally,
shutting electronics off at the
outlet level completely eliminates any energy waste during
off hours, whether the waste is from electronics that are left on
at night, or from devices that go into standby mode. Integrator
Mike Capalety discovered rst-hand the impact BlueBOLT
can have: “We used BlueBOLT products in a light commercial
Panamax BlueBOLT-enabled M4315-PRO’s are integrated with
Crestron Control Systems at SLU to facilitate local and remote
power control and monitoring.
Capalety Digital Media realized
signicant energy savings by
installing BlueBOLT with X-Ray
machines and other diagnostic
medical equipment.