User's Manual

Table Of Contents
More Convenient
Keitai is a function that enables you to make payments, use coupons and so on or access the information of
websites by placing the FOMA terminal over the scanning device in the stores or other locations.
You can check the balance, payment, point of electronic money.
e, by using Omakase Lock and IC Card Lock, you will be the measures of lost or stolen at the time.
ToruCa is an electronic card that you can receive with FOMA terminal for use as fliers, restaurant cards, and coupon
tickets. Y
ou can download ToruCa files from sites or scanning devices, and can easily exchange them using mail,
ed communication, iC communication, or a microSD card. The downloaded ToruCa files are saved to “ToruCa” on
For details on Osaifu
Keitai and ToruCa, r
efer to DOCOMO website.
Data on the IC card (including electronic money, reward points, etc.) might be lost or deformed owing to the malfunction
of the FOMA terminal. (You cannot deposit your FOMA terminal at our hand for r
epair, remaining data files on it. You
are asked, as a rule, to delete them by yourself.) As to the support such as reissue, restoration, temporal storage, and
transfer of data, consult the provider of your Osaifu
Keitai compatible service. For your important data, be sur
e to use
Keitai compatible service with backup support.
In any case including malfunction or model change, we cannot be held responsible for the loss or deformation of data on
the IC car
d or other losses caused r
egarding Osaifu
Keitai compatible services.
When your FOMA terminal is stolen or lost, immediately inquire of the provider of your Osaifu
Keitai compatible service
about the countermeasures.
Place the f mark over a scanning
The Call/Charging indicator lights when you bring your FOMA
terminal close to the scanning device and communication
becomes r
Place the f mark over a
scanning device.