User's Manual Part 2

Data Display/Edit/Management
1 The folder names can be changed by “Edit folder name”.
Decomail-pictographs are directly saved to these folders,
and files other than Decomail-pictographs cannot be
saved to them.
The folder names you have entered for “Add folder” are
3 Includes the music files in AAC format.
Icons in the File List
File Type
Pre-installed or downloaded Chara-den images
PC Movie
microSD PC movies downloaded, or saved
by personal computer
Position memory Playback of marker position
Played history Playback histories of PC movies
Image Still images recorded by One Seg
Video microSD Video recorded by One Seg, and
copyright-protected and One Seg
compatible moving images made
with other AV devices
Playback of marker position
Document viewer
Document files saved from mail (attached files)
SD other files
SD others Incompatible files saved from mail
(attached files), or files of BMP or
PNG format downloaded by Full
Title namePicture
Icon Type File format
Still image JPEG
Still image with location
Still image GIF
Frame GIF
Marker stamp GIF
Cushy mark GIF
Flash movie SWF
i-motion movie MP4(AMR)
i-motion movie MP4(AAC)
i-motion movie MP4(AAC+[HE-AAC])
i-motion movie
MP4(Enhanced aacPlus)
i-motion movie ASF
For the file with the file restrictions, “ ” is added to each
Some files have restrictions on the number of playbacks,
playable period, or playable deadline. “ ” is added to the
icon of the file with playback restrictions and “ ” is added to
the icon of the file with playback restrictions expired.
Acquired source
For the copyrighted file movable to the microSD memory
card, “ “ is displayed.
Available operation
Video MPEG2-TS
Partially saved i-motion
Melody SMF
Melody MFi
Complete PDF file PDF
Partial PDF file PDF
Incomplete PDF file PDF
Damaged PDF file PDF
Kisekae Tool file
Partially saved Kisekae
Tool file
Chara-den image
Word file WORD
Excel file EXCEL
PowerPoint file POWERPOINT
Incompatible file
Icon Type File format
Icon Description
Obtained from sites or i-mode mail attachment
Files shot by the FOMA phone
Obtained from infrared data exchange or iC
communication or microSD memory card
Files of recorded Chara-den images
Files of recorded One Seg programs
Icon Description
Attach to i-mode mail
Insert image into Deco-mail
Set display
Send Ir data, iC transmission
Copy to microSD memory card