User's Manual Part 2

Outbox Folder List
Folder status
” appears when Mail Security is activated.
Folder name
Outbox List and detailed Sent Mail display
Mail status
” appears when protection is set.
Sent date and time
The Outbox List shows the time for the mail sent today, and shows the date for the mail sent until yesterday.
The detailed display shows the date and time the mail was sent. “ ” appears when the date/time is corrected.
Recipient’s phone number or mail address
When “Mail list display” is set to “Date+sender/receiver subject”, the subject is displayed up to 11 full-pitch/22 half-pitch
characters. When set to “Date+subject”, it is displayed up to 7 full-pitch/14 half-pitch characters, however, for a mail message
with files attached, it is decreased by 1 full-pitch/2 half-pitch character/s as the icon is added at the top.
For SMS messages, the beginning of the text is displayed. (“SMS” is displayed on the detailed display.)
Attached data
The detailed display shows the data volume as well.
<For Outbox List (Date+sender/receiver subject) and detailed Sent Mail display>
” is added to each icon when you execute “Delete att. file” (for detailed display only).
<For Outbox List (Date+subject) (Date+sender/receiver)>
Text of mail
(pink) Mail successfully sent
Mail failed to be sent
Simultaneous mail
successfully sent to all
Simultaneous mail sent to
some addresses
Simultaneous mail failed to
be sent to all addresses
Mail address successfully sent (for detailed display only)
Mail address failed to be sent (for detailed display only)
Ordinary folder i-
ppli mail folder
Detailed Sent Mail display
Outbox List
For “Date+subject”
Outbox List
For “Date+sender/
receiver subject”
(blue) SMS messages in the FOMA phone
SMS messages on the UIM
SMS report received [for List (Date+sender/
receiver subject) and detailed display only]
Melody file
Image file
Inserted image file (for List only)
i-motion movie file
PC Movie file
ToruCa file
PDF file
Document file
Phonebook entry file
Schedule event or ToDo item file
Bookmark file
Other files
ppli mail (for List only)
Multiple files (for List only)
File set with the UIM restrictions
Attached file
ppli mail
File set with the UIM restrictions