User's Manual Part 2

Data Display/Edit/Management
If the battery runs out during editing, the edited contents are discarded.
The file name, title, storage location, and acquired source of the newly saved still
image are as follows:
File name: “YYYYMMDDhhmmnnnn”
Title: “YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm”
(Y: year, M: month, D: date, h: hour, m: minute, n: number)
Storage location: Folder the source file is saved to (Still images on the microSD card
are saved to the “i-mode” folder.)
Acquired source: The same as the source file
Function Menu of the Edit Picture Display
Function menu Operation/Explanation
Marker stamp You can add the marker stamp in the “Stamp” folder.
Select a marker stamp.
You can rotate the marker stamp by pressing i( ) and
selecting “90° to right/90° to left/180°”. Select “Scale up/Scale
down” to enlarge or shrink the marker stamp.
You can reselect a marker stamp by pressing l().
Use Mo to position the marker stamp and press
You can add a marker stamp by pressing l().
Frame Select a frameOo()
You can add the frame whose size is the same as the size of
the image you are editing.
You can display the previous or next frame by pressing No.
Press and hold No for at least one second to display
You can rotate the frame by pressing i( ) and selecting
“180° rotation”.
You can reselect a frame by pressing l().
Character stamp You can add text.
Enter characters.
You can enter up to 15 full-pitch/30 half-pitch characters.
However, the number of characters you can enter decreases
depending on the size of the still image.
Press i( ) and select “Character color” to select a color;
then, you can change the color of characters. You can switch
between “16 Color” and “256 Color” by pressing c().
Select “Font” to change the character fonts.
Select “Character size” to enlarge or shrink characters.
Select “Character input” to edit entered characters.
Use Mo to position the charactersand press Oo()
You can reselect a position by pressing l().
Cushy mark You can compound a cushy mark in the “Stamp” folder. The
person’s facial region is automatically recognized and the cushy
mark is pasted to an appropriate position.
Select a cushy mark.
Press i( ) and select “Scale up/Scale down” to enlarge
or shrink the cushy mark.
To cancel, press l().
Use Mo to position the cushy markand press Oo().
The cushy mark that comes out of the still image is cut off.
You can add a cushy mark by pressing l().
Fit in screen You can convert an image size into Stand-by (480 x 854) size.
Depending on the source still image size, the confirmation
display might appear asking whether to cut out an image size
and convert into Stand-by (480 x 854) size.
Function menu Operation/Explanation