User's Manual Part 2

Select blink
You can make characters to be entered blink.
Enter text.
The set characters are blinking.
In the blink setting mode, “ ” is displayed at the upper
right of the display.
You can set other decorations in succession.
d (Reset blink)
Select ticker
You can make characters to be entered and images to be
inserted flow (moving from right to left).
Enter text.
The line feed is inserted automatically and “ ” is displayed
before and after the cursor.
In the ticker setting mode, “ ” is displayed at the upper
right of the display.
You can set other decorations in succession.
d (Reset ticker)
The line feed is inserted automatically.
Select swing
You can make characters to be entered and images to be
inserted swing (moving to left and right back).
Enter text.
The line feed is inserted automatically and “ ” is displayed
before and after the cursor.
In the swing setting mode, “ ” is displayed at the upper
right of the display.
You can set other decorations in succession.
d (Reset swing)
The line feed is inserted automatically.
Function Operation/Explanation
Word alignment
You can change the position of characters to be entered and
images to be inserted.
Select a word alignmentEnter text.
The line feed is inserted automatically, and the alignment is
In the word alignment setting mode, “ ” is displayed at
the upper right of the display.
You can set other decorations in succession.
When you have selected the area, you do not need to enter
Function Operation/Explanation
<Insert image>
You can insert up to 20 types of images within 90 Kbytes in total. However, you can
insert up to 2 kinds of flash movie. Even if the inserted types of images are 20 or
fewer, the confirmation display appears for some operations asking whether to re-edit
the text because the maximum number of images has exceeded.
If multiple same images are inserted, they are counted as a single type of file. If you
copy/paste the image already inserted, that image is regarded as the same image
and handled as a single type of file. However, if you insert the same Flash image, it is
handled as the second type of files.
You can apply Blink, Ticker, Swing, and Word Alignment to the inserted images,
however, you cannot apply any decorations to Flash movies.
<Font color>
If you move the cursor to the character for which another color is set, the setting
changes to that color.
The color for pictographs is also subjected to the specified font color. To restore the
color to ordinary one, select “指定なし/Default”.
You cannot change the color of Deco-mail pictograms.
<Background color>
You cannot change the background color when editing the header or signature.
<Font size>
If you move the cursor to the character for which a different font size is set, the font
size is changed to that size of the character.
You cannot change the size of the Deco-mail pictogram.
<Select blink>
You cannot make Deco-mail pictograms blink.