User's Manual Part 2

User certificates verify that you have subscribed to the FOMA service.
Downloaded user certificates are stored on the UIM for the use on
FirstPass sites.
When you cannot display a FirstPass site because the user certificate on
the UIM has expired or the required user certificate is not stored on the
UIM, you can request the issue and download the user certificate from
the FirstPass Center.
You can request and download user certificates from the FirstPass Center.
This function is not available with the blue UIM.
The display and operating method displayed in the FirstPass Center site are subject to
To show FirstPass sites, you can use Full Browser as well.
You cannot send/receive mail or receive Messages R/F while connected to the
FirstPass Center.
Set the date and time using “Set time” beforehand to connect to the FirstPass Center.
This function is not available overseas.
With the FOMA terminal, server authentication and client authentication are performed
for safer data exchange. The site and your FOMA terminal exchange certificates,
check the other party’s certificate and verify each other for safer communication
service. By getting client authentication, you can enjoy more secure communication
Client authentication is available via the Internet communication from the FOMA
terminal or via the Internet communication with the FOMA terminal connected to a
personal computer. To use the personal computer for the client authentication, you
need to install the FirstPass PC software from the provided CD-ROM.
For details, refer to “FirstPassManual” (PDF format) in the “FirstPassPCsoft” folder on
the CD-ROM. Adobe
(version 6.0 or higher is recommended) is required to
see “FirstPassManual” (PDF format). If it is not installed in your personal computer,
install Adobe
from the provided CD-ROM to see it.
For details such as how to use it, refer to “Adobe Reader Help”.
<Client Certificate>
Setting FirstPass
Client Authentication
You can perform user certificate operations on the site of the FirstPass
Center site.
iOperate certificateClient certificateEnglish
You need to request the issue of the user certificate before you download
it. When requesting the issue of your user certificate is completed,
download the user certificate. After the downloading is completed, it is
saved on the UIM and the FirstPass sites will be displayable.
Site display for the FirstPass Center
Request your certificateContinue
For an update, the message “Updating user certificate”
is displayed.
When you have already requested the issue of the user
certificate, select “Download your certificate” from the site display for the
FirstPass Center, go to step 3.
Access FirstPass Center
Site display for
the FirstPass Center
Before using the FirstPass Center, select “The usage regulation (Japanese only)” and
carefully read the regulation.
You are not charged a packet communication fee for connecting to the FirstPass
Request Issue of User Certificate for Download