User's Manual Part 2

Enter your Terminal Security Code
Do the following operations.
Press l().
Default URL Enter a default URL.
You can enter up to 100 half-pitch alphanumeric characters.
Host address Enter a host address.
You can enter up to 99 half-pitch alphanumeric characters.
Before Using FirstPass
FirstPass is DOCOMO’s electronic authentication service. By using FirstPass, client
authentication is enabled, whereby the site and your FOMA terminal exchange
certificates, check the other party’s certificate and perform mutual authentication.
When requesting issue of a user certificate, carefully read “The usage regulation
(Japanese only)” on the display, agree to this, and then make the request.
You need to enter the PIN2 code to use the user certificate. Once you have entered
your PIN2 code, all subsequent operations will be deemed to be done by you, so be
careful not to let anyone else use your UIM or PIN2 code.
If your UIM is lost or stolen, “docomo Information Center” on the back page of this
manual can revoke your user certificate.
DOCOMO bears no obligation or responsibility with regard to the sites and
information provided by FirstPass sites. Please solve the problem between you and
FirstPass sites.
DOCOMO and the CA do not guarantee security when you use FirstPass and SSL,
so you should use them on your own judgment and responsibility.
i-motion movies are composed of video, sound and music, and you can
play them back obtaining from i-motion compatible sites into your FOMA
terminal. You can set the i-motion movie for a ring tone.
Two types of i-motion movies are available as shown below. The type of
the obtained i-motion movie differs depending on the site or file.
You can save up to 10 Mbytes per i-motion movie.
Type Playback type
(normal) type
(can be saved)
Plays back after
Plays back after obtaining all the data of an
i-motion movie.
Plays back while
Plays back while obtaining an i-motion
movie. After obtaining, you can play it back
in the same way as “Plays back after
(cannot be
Plays back while
Plays back while obtaining an i-motion
movie. The data is deleted after playback, so
you cannot play it back again or save it to the
FOMA terminal.