User's Manual Part 2

You can set the camera when shooting images.
You can display the image through the camera in “Wide” or “Tele”.
Finder displayUse No to adjust the magnification.
Attach to mail You can save the recorded movie and attach it to an i-mode mail
Go to step 2 on page 146.
You can compose an i-mode mail message also by pressing
Set as stand-by You can save the recorded movie and set it for the Stand-by
Set as standbyWide
Store in See page 245.
Display size See page 245.
File restriction See page 247.
Icon See page 246.
Cancel You do not save the recorded movie.
<Set as stand-by> <Set as standbyWide>
Some movies might not be displayed correctly.
See page 113 for playback of the movie set for the Stand-by display.
Changing Settings for Shooting
Use Zoom
The image quality may slightly change when you select “Wide” or “Tele”.
“Tele” is released in the following cases:
When you press -h to end the camera
When a size is changed
When camera mode is switched
You can shoot with the outside camera which focuses on a subject.
When “Focus” is set to “Face detection”, faces are detected in the first place. When a
face is detected, the yellow frame is shown. Up to five faces are detected, and the
image is shot with a single face of those faces focused automatically according to the
face size and position. When multiple faces of people are found, the frame for a face to
be focused becomes yellow. When the detection fails, the focus function works in
“Auto” and then the image is shot.
Focus function works when you shoot a subject about 10 cm or more away.
Finder displayXo
When a subject is focused, a confirmation tone sounds, the frame becomes green,
and the focus is locked.
When the subject is not focused, the frame becomes red.
Press r to focus again.
Use Focus Function
If “Movie type set” is set to “Voice” in Movie Mode, you cannot use the focus function.
“Face detection” is available only in Photo Mode.
Even when “Focus” is set to “Face detection”, you might not be able to detect the face
in the following cases:
When the face faces sideway or askew
When the face is at a slant
When part of the face is covered by glasses, a cap, or shadows
When the face is extremely small, large, or dim when compared to overall screen
When the face is placed at the edges of the display
The distance that faces can be detected by “Face detection” is within 2.5 m.