User's Manual Part 2

1Seg is the terrestrial digital TV broadcasting service for mobile objects, and it
broadcasts data as well as video and audio. Further, by using i-mode, you can obtain the
detailed information, can participate in quiz programs or can have fun with TV shopping.
For details on the 1Seg service, browse to the web page as follows:
The Association for Promotion of Digital Broadcasting
From personal computers:
From i-mode: (In Japanese only)
Using 1Seg
The 1Seg broadcasting is a service provided by television entrepreneurs (broadcasting
stations) without requiring the subscription. Further, you can watch 1Seg programs
charge free.
For viewing fee of NHK, contact NHK.
The information displayed in the data broadcasting area contains “Data broadcasting
and “Data broadcasting site”.
“Data broadcasting” is displayed on airwaves together with video and audio, and “Data
broadcasting site” is displayed by connecting from the information of data broadcasting
to the sites provided by television entrepreneurs (broadcasting stations). Also, it might
be connected to “i-mode site”, etc. When connecting to sites, you need to subscribe to
i-mode separately.
You are charged a packet communication fee for browsing “Data broadcasting site”
and “i-mode site”.
You might be charged an information fee for using some sites (i-mode pay sites).
Radio waves
1Seg is one of the broadcasting services receiving radio waves (broadcasting waves)
different from that used for the FOMA services. Accordingly, you cannot watch the
broadcasting when you are out of reach of the broadcasting waves, or when the
broadcasting is suspended regardless of whether you are in or out of the FOMA service
Even when you are in the terrestrial digital TV broadcasting service area, reception
condition might be deteriorated or you might not be able to receive programs in the
following places:
Where the radio tower that transmits broadcasting waves is far away
Where the radio waves are blocked by geographical features such as mountains or
valleys of high-rise buildings
Where the radio waves are weak or do not reach, such as in tunnels, underground, or
recesses of buildings
The reception conditions might be improved by moving your FOMA terminal away from
or close to you, or moving yourself to another place.
Messages on the display when you use 1Seg for the first time
When you use 1Seg for the first time after purchase, the Exemption Clause Confirmation
display appears.
If you press Oo( ) and select “NO” from the succeeding confirmation display, the
same confirmation display does not appear afterward.
The Exemption Clause Confirmation display also appears when you replace the UIM
with another one or remove the UIM.
What is broadcasting storage area?
The broadcasting storage area is a storage area inside the terminal that is exclusive for
1Seg. The information you input according to the instruction on the data broadcasting
program is saved to that broadcasting storage area following the settings of television
entrepreneurs (broadcasting stations). The information to be saved might contain
answers for quiz, and personal information such as membership number, gender, age,
or occupation.
The saved information might be displayed, or be sent to television entrepreneurs
(broadcasting stations) without your re-input when you browse to the data broadcasting
See page 270 to erase information in the broadcasting storage area.
When you replace the UIM with another one or remove the UIM, the confirmation
display appears asking whether to reset the broadcasting storage area. Select “YES”,
and reset it. If you select “NO”, the services using the broadcasting storage area are
not available.
Messages on the display when the information in the broadcasting storage area
is read out
When the information in the broadcasting storage area is used while you are watching a
program, the message “Use saved information? It may include information used by the
same broadcasting group” is displayed.
If you select “YES”, the confirmation display asking whether to read out the stored
information while watching the same program does not appear after that. Further if you
select “YES (default)”, the same confirmation display does not appear afterward.