User's Manual Part 2

SaveYESSelect a destination folder.
Chara-den image, template (Deco-mail), and schedule event is stored to the
FOMA terminal.
For Machi-chara image, Kisekae Tool file, and template (Decome-Anime), select
“Phone” or “microSD”.
For dictionary, select “<Not stored>”.
Select “Property” to display the information.
See page 205 when data files are stored to the maximum.
See page 201 to save a screen memo.
Select “YES” to set the downloaded data file to each
For setting the melody as a ring tone, select an incoming type.
For creating a Deco-mail message or Decome-Anime message by using
template, see page 150 or page 153.
When you press l( ) to suspend downloading or when downloading is
suspended by an incoming call, the confirmation display appears asking whether to
resume downloading.
Select “YES” to resume downloading the remaining part. Select “NO” to show the data
acquisition completion display. You can save by selecting “Save pt.” from the data
acquisition completion display. When you select “Save pt.”, you can save it only to
You can re-download the rest of the partially saved file from “Kisekae Tool” or
“Machi-chara” in “Data box”.
You can look for your favorite files on the site and download them. The
number of files you can save differs depending on the files you
download. You cannot change the site.
Each selection displaySearch by i-modeYES
Select a file.
The way of downloading differs depending on the file.
Some downloaded melodies might not be played back successfully.
When downloading Kisekae Tool file or Machi-chara image is
Search by i-mode
If the maximum number of data files is stored or there is not enough memory when you
try to save the data files, the confirmation display appears asking whether to delete the
unnecessary file and save new one.
Perform this operation to save the following data:
Images i-motion movies Melodies
Chara-den images Machi-chara images Programs
Chaku-uta Full
music files PDF files i-αppli programs
ToruCa files Templates Screen memos
Kisekae Tool files Schedule events
1. YESPut a check mark for data files to be deletedl()YES
As the data files except Chara-den images, templates, screen memos, and schedule
events are stored in the same storage area, you can select other files when deleting files.
Select a folder and put a check mark for the files to be deleted. “” appears on the folder
which contains the checked files.
” appears when you put it for the files whose amount of data is equal to memory
You can put or clear check marks at a time by pressing i( ) and selecting
“Select all in page/Release in page”.
Each time you press d or i( ), or each time you press i( ) and
select “Change disp. mode”, you can switch display/nondisplay of the folder volume
and data volume.
When selecting a file in “MUSIC”, you can show the lower level folders by pressing
Each time you press r, the upper level folder returns.
For programs, you need to delete many files when deleting other files because the data
volume per program is large.
If the maximum number of programs are stored when you execute “Move program” or
try to save an i-αppli program or ToruCa file, you need to delete at least one file which
belongs to the same type.
If there is a security-applied folder for screen memos, the confirmation display appears
asking whether to enable you to select screen memos in that security-applied folder.
When you select “YES”, you need to enter your Terminal Security Code.
The file set for another function is indicated by “”.
See page 297 for deleting mail-linked i-αppli.
If you operate this when moving an i-αppli program from the microSD card to the
FOMA terminal, you cannot delete the i-αppli program with its data file on the IC card.
You are separately charged a packet communication fee.
When the data files are stored to the maximum