User's Manual Part 2

Depending on the program, its playable time zone is fixed. “ ” is added to the icon of
the program with time zone restrictions. The time follows the time information obtained
from the network.
When obtaining a periodically-updated program fails, “ ” appears to tell the program
has not been updated. “ disappears when obtaining the program starts.
The file restriction is set to all the Music&Video Channel programs. See page 247 for
the file restrictions.
The information of the previously played program is erased if you do the following
When you turn on/off the FOMA terminal
When you update the program
When you delete or move the previously played program
If you try to play back a program with a low battery, the confirmation display appears
asking whether to play it back. The battery alert tone sounds regardless of the setting
of “Keypad sound”. When the battery becomes low during playback (including during
Play Background), the playback pauses, and the confirmation display appears asking
whether to end the playback.
In the following cases, playback pauses and resumes after you finish each operation:
When you make/receive a voice call, videophone call, or PushTalk call
When you receive a mail message or Message R/F while “Receiving display” is set
to “Alarm preferred” or the Stand-by display is shown
When an alarm of “Alarm”, “Schedule”, “ToDo”, “TV timer” or “Timer recording”
Depending on the function which occurred, the confirmation display might appear
asking whether to end the Music&Video Channel program.
If a black display appears after you play back a program with time zone restrictions,
playback starts at the next playable time zone.
If you playback a program in countries other than Japan, the playable deadline might
expire before or after the displayed deadline.
On the full display, you cannot play back the audio-only music programs and video
programs of QCIF (176 x 144) size or smaller.
If you playback on the full display, the image might be displayed with the right or
bottom side cut depending on the image size.
Function Menu of Music&Video Channel Display/Program
Folder List/Program List
Chapter list You can display the list of chapters set for the program. Select a
chapter to play back the selected chapter and afterward.
Press i()and select “Chapter info” to display the
information about the chapter title, playback time, etc.
Play mode setting Normal or Repeat
Normal . . . Plays back the program once in the order of the
Repeat . . . Plays back the program repeatedly in the order of the
Program info You can display the program title, distribution source, playback
restrictions, etc.
Move program
Programs currently distributed are updated to new programs on the
next distribution date. You can save the current programs by moving
them to the “Saved program” folder before the distributed program is
updated. You can check “Memory info” for unused memory space you
can save to. You can save up to 10 programs sharing the memory
space with other data files, however, the number of programs you can
save decreases depending on the data volume. (See page 534)
See page 205 when programs are stored to the maximum.
Add desktop icon See page 31.
Edit title Enter a title.
You can enter up to 31 full-pitch/63 half-pitch characters.
Reset title You can reset the title to the default.
Multiple-choice You can select and delete multiple programs stored in “Saved
program” folder.
Put a check mark for programs to be deleted
Connect to URL
You can access the URL when the program has the URL information.
Display image You can display the program images stored in the program.
Press r to return to the list.
Memory info You can display the used memory space (estimate).