User's Manual Part 2

In the following cases, the playback pauses and resumes after you finish each
When you make/receive a voice call, videophone call, or PushTalk call
When you receive a mail message or Message R/F while “Receiving display” is set
to “Alarm preferred” or the Stand-by display is shown
When an alarm of “Alarm”, “Schedule”, “ToDo”, “TV timer” or “Timer recording”
Depending on the event which occurred, the confirmation display might appear
asking whether to end MUSIC Player.
When a music file is switched to the previous or next one, the music file whose
playable deadline or playable period has expired, or WMA file whose WMA license
becomes invalid is skipped. When the Chaku-uta Full
music file has restrictions on
the number of playbacks, the confirmation display appears asking whether to play it
back regardless of the remaining number of playbacks. However, the music file
whose number of playbacks has finished is skipped.
When unused memory space on the microSD card becomes 300 Kbytes or less, you
can no longer play back WMA files. To play back WMA files, check the unused
memory space on the microSD card, and delete unnecessary data files if the unused
memory space is 300 Kbytes or less.
Function Menu of the Music Folder List/i-mode (Chaku-uta
) Folder List/Player Menu Display
Play mode setting Select a play mode.
Normal . . . . . . . . Plays back the music files sorted by type or in
the playlist in order as listed.
Finishes after the last music file is played
Play only one . . . Plays back the selected music file once.
Repeat one. . . . . Plays back the selected music file repeatedly.
Repeat all . . . . . . Plays back the music files sorted by type or in
the playlist in order as listed repeatedly.
Random . . . . . . . Plays back the music files sorted by type or in
the playlist at random. Finishes after all the
music files are played back.
Random play&repeat
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plays back the music files sorted by type or in
the playlist at random repeatedly.
Add folder Enter a folder name.
You can enter up to 10 full-pitch/20 half-pitch characters.
You can create a total of 25 folders at each level up to the
second-tier level in the FOMA terminal. You can create folders
at each level up to the seventh-tier level on the microSD card.
Edit folder name Enter a folder name.
You can enter up to 10 full-pitch/20 half-pitch characters.
Delete folder You can delete a user folder and all Chaku-uta Full
music files in
the folder.
Enter your Terminal Security CodeYES
Select storage You can set the destination folder for when you move the
Chaku-uta Full
music file to the microSD card. You can set it for
up to seventh-tier-level folders.
Memory info You can display the used memory space (estimate)/number of
stored items.
<Add folder>
You cannot create a user folder in the WMA folder.
<Delete folder>
If you delete the Chaku-uta Full
music file set for another function, the setting returns
to the default.
<Select storage>
” is displayed for the folder set as a destination.
When you execute Check microSD, or create or edit a folder by using a personal
computer, the destination folder on the microSD card might be changed. When the
setting is changed, set the destination folder again.
Function Menu of the Chaku-uta Full
Music List/Type List/
Music List/WMA List
Player menu You can show the Player Menu display from the Type list or
Music list.
Play mode setting See page 285.