User's Manual Part 1

When multiple conditions match, sorting is done in the priority below.
1 Sort all
2 Subject sort
3 Reply impossible/Send impossible
4 Address sort (Look-up address/Enter address)
5 Address sort (Look-up mail group)
6 Address sort (Look-up group)
Mail messages sent simultaneously to multiple members cannot be sorted by
“Address sort” or “Send impossible”.
Area Mail messages are not sorted by “Address sort”.
Function Menu of the Auto-sort Setting Display
Address sort
Look-up address You can look up a mail address or phone number in the
Phonebook or Received/Sent Address and set it to the folder
for sorting.
1Select an item.
Phonebook . . . . . . . . .Call up a Phonebook entry and select
a phone number or mail address.
Received address . . .Select a phone number or mail
address and press Oo().
Sent address . . . . . . .Select a phone number or mail
address and press Oo().
Look-up group You can set a group to be sorted into the folder.
1Select a group.
Look-up mail group You can set a mail group to be sorted into the folder.
1Select a mail group.
Enter address You can directly enter a mail address or phone number to be
sorted into the folder.
1Enter a mail address or phone number.
You can enter up to 50 half-pitch characters.
When the mail address is “phone”,
enter the phone number only. You can sort SMS messages
as well if you enter the phone number only.
Subject sort You can enter the subject of i-mode mail messages to be
sorted into the folder. One subject can be set per folder.
1Enter a subject.
You can enter up to 100 full-pitch/200 half-pitch characters.
Reply impossible You can set reply-disabled mail messages to be sorted. You
can set for only one folder.
Send impossible You can set failed-to-send mail messages to be sorted. You
can set for only one folder.
Sort all You can sort all mail messages into the i-αppli mail folder. You
can set for only one i-αppli mail folder each in the Inbox and
Outbox. When “Sort all” is set, other sort settings are disabled.
Edit addr/subj You can edit and store the mail address, phone number, and
subject set for the folder.
1Edit the mail address, phone number or subject.
List setting You can switch whether to display the destinations by the
name stored in the Phonebook or by the mail address or
phone number.
1Name or Address
You can switch also by pressing c().
Release this You can release the sort condition. (The item is deleted from
the Auto-sort Setting display.)