User's Manual Part 1

You can set how to automatically display Messages R/F received during
standby or a voice call.
l1Mail settings1Auto-display
1Select an option for automatic display.
When the FOMA terminal cannot receive any more Messages R/F, “ (dark blue)” or
(dark blue)” is displayed. Delete unnecessary Messages R/F, read unread
Messages R/F or release protection.
When the icon “ (yellow)” or “ (yellow)” is displayed, the i-mode Center holds
Messages R/F. When the icon “ (dark blue)” or “ (dark blue)” is displayed, the
i-mode Center can hold no more Messages R/F. Perform “Check new messages” to
receive them.
Even after Messages R/F are displayed automatically, they are still displayed as
unread ones in the Message R/F list. However, if you scroll through the messages
during automatic display, they will be indicated as read ones.
Messages R/F received in the following cases are held at the i-mode Center:
When the power is off During a videophone call
During Self Mode When you are out of the service area
During infrared communication While connecting to the FirstPass Center
During PushTalk communication During Omakase Lock
During iC communication During copy to microSD
While connecting to the Data Storage Center
When the space for Messages R/F is full with protected or unread messages
When you receive Messages R/F during a voice call, the message is displayed
automatically after the call ends.
The Messages R/F are not displayed automatically when “Mail security” is set for
“Inbox”, or when “Mail security” is set for “MessageR” folder or “MessageF” folder.
l1Inbox1MessageR or MessageF
1Select a Message R/F to be displayed.
You can display Messages
R/F also by i1Message
R/F1MessageR or
When you select an unread
Message R/F, “ (pink)”
changes to “ ”.
Use No to check other
Messages R/F.
When the text of Message
R/F is long, use Bo to
scroll the display to check
it. Also, you can press
m()/c() or </> to scroll page by page.
Message R/F list and detailed Message R/F display
1Status of Message R/F
” appears when protection is set.
<Display Message R/F>
Reading Received Messages R/F
Detailed Message R/F
Message R/F list
(pink) Unread Message R/F
Read Message R/F
Detailed Message
R/F display
Message R/F list