User's Manual Part 1

Creating a voice message
d Main menu > Messaging > Create new > Voice
Sound recorder is activated.
1. [0]9[5] (Start) to start recording
2. [0]9[5] (Stop) to stop recording
To send the voice message:
3. [5] (Options) 7 Select Send as MMS
If you select Save, the sound clip is saved to My Files.
4. Repeat steps 1-11 in “Creating an MMS message” on
page 61
Creating a postcard
Creating a postcard by using the stored picture or
by downloading a picture
d Main menu > Messaging > Create new > Postcard
To add a picture:
1. Select Add picture
2. Select Stored pictures or Download pictures
3. Select the required picture
To add text:
4. Select Add text
5. Create text message 7 [0]
See “Text entry” on page 34 for entering text.
To send the postcard:
6. [5] (Options) 7 Select Send
7. [192] to scroll to the required content 7 [0]
8. Enter information 7 [0]
Send appears on the bottom of the address list when at
least Name, No./street, City and Postal code are
9. [192] to scroll to Send 7 [0]