User's Manual Part 2

To disable Keyguard:
When () appears on the display:
1. [0] 7Would you like to unlock?7 [0]9[5]
Shortcut keys
Navigation key [1929394] can be used as a Shortcut key. It
is possible to assign a specific menu to Navigation key so that
you can access the menu directly from standby mode.
d Main menu > Settings > Phone settings > Key settings
> Shortcut keys
1. Select Navigation up, Navigation right, Navigation
down, or Navigation left
2. Select the required menu
Master reset
You can reset your phone to the factory settings, except for the
data of the following: Data in My Files, Contacts, Call log and
Password is required for master reset. The factory set password
is 0000.
d Main menu > Settings > Phone settings > Master reset
> Reset settings
1. Would you like to reset all phone settings?7
[0]9[5] (Yes)
2. Enter the password 7 [0]9[5] (Ok)
Changing the password
d Main menu > Settings > Phone settings > Master reset
> Password setting
1. Enter the current password 7 [0]9[5] (Ok)
2. Enter a new password 7 [0]9[5] (Ok)
3. Enter the new password again 7 [0]9[5] (Ok)