Operating instructions

The summer time mode and search dial and jog dial operation mode are set on Menu Screen 6.
Selecting the summer time mode
Select the summer time mode.
ON: The summer time mode is selected.
OFF: The summer time mode is not selected.
Setting the start time for the summer time mode
Set the week, month and hour at which the summer
time mode is to start.
WEEK: Select 1ST, 2ND, 3RD, 4TH or LST (last) and
one of SUN through SAT.
MONTH: Select the starting month (1 – 12).
TIME: Select the start time (1:00 – 22:00)*.
Setting the end time for the summer time mode
Set the week, month and hour at which the summer
time mode is to end.
WEEK: Select 1ST, 2ND, 3RD, 4TH or LST (last) and
one of SUN through SAT.
MONTH: Select the ending month (1 – 12).
TIME: Select the end time (1:00 – 22:00)*.
Search dial direct operation mode
Set the operation mode when the search dial is to be
used from another mode.
ON: The dial can be operated directly during STOP
and STILL.
OFF: The dial can be operated after the STILL mode
is activated.
* Minutes are for reference only and cannot be adjusted.
Recording mode and video output are selected on Menu Screen 4.
Recording time mode selection
When recording starts, the set time mode is always
OFF: The time mode can be set as desired using the
time mode button on the VTR’s sub panel. The mode
can be changed even during recording.
9H: 9-hour mode
L24H: 24-hour mode (linear slow recording)
54H/72H/96H/120H/168H/192H/240H/336H: 54-/72-/
96-/120-/168-/192-/240-/336-hour mode (time lapse
Selection of VTR operation when cassette is
STOP: Stop mode
REC: Simply by inserting the cassette tape, recording
is started automatically.
REW REC: When the cassette is inserted, it is first
rewound to the start of the tape and then recording is
started automatically.
Selection of operation when tape end is detected
during recording (see page 19)
STOP: Stop mode
REW: The tape is automatically rewound to the start
where it stops.
REPEAT: The tape is automatically rewound to the
start, and recording is repeated.
EJECT: The tape is ejected.
Video signal mode
This selects the operation of the colour/black-and-
white automatic selector circuit.
AUTO: The circuit automatically identifies the type of
video input or playback signals, and selects the colour
or black-and-white mode accordingly.
COLOUR: The colour mode is forcibly established.
B_W: The black-and-white mode is forcibly es- tab-
Playback picture selection
This selects the quality of the playback pictures.
DETAIL: Detail mode (resolution)
NORMAL: Normal mode (intermediate)
SOFT: Soft mode (high S/N ratio)
While a mode other than REC or REC/PAUSE has
been established for the unit, the picture quality
setting can be changed also be pressing the REC
REVIEW button. For further details, refer to page 23.
NOISE_B MASK selection in playback system
OFF: Standard playback system
ON: Noise masking playback system
When connecting the frame switcher, select “OFF”.
When the picture quality does not improve with
tracking adjustment, select “ON”.
The internal timer recording modes are set on Menu Screen 5.
Internal timer recording mode setting (see page
This sets the weekly timer or daily timer recording
mode. (OFF/ON)
OFF: Internal timer recording is not set.
ON: Internal timer recording is set.
Internal timer recording does not operate when the
date and time have not been set.
Do not adjust the time setting between 23:00 and 1:00
during the summer time period.