Operating instructions

Recording Procedure
Switch on the power to the connected equipment.
Adjust so that the images of the video cameras
appear properly on the TV monitor.
Check that the date and time displayed on the TV
monitor have been adjusted properly.
Insert a cassette tape into the unit after checking
that the tab on the cassette is intact.
Set the timer recording, auto repeat recording, alarm
recording, restoration-of-power-after-failure record-
ing or other recording function.
Select the time mode for the recording.
Press the REC button.
If the PAUSE/STILL button is pressed during recording, the unit is set to the pause mode, and after about 5
minutes in this mode it is transferred to the stop mode.
Neat frame-to-frame continuity is not achieved if the recording mode is set again after the PAUSE/STILL button
is pressed during recording.
When the MENU/REC LOCK switch has been set to OFF, other operations can be performed during recording.
When restoration-of-power-after-failure recording is performed,recording can be continued in the same time mode
even if the power should fail provided that the power is restored within about one week. (This applies only if
the power has been supplied continuously for 3 or more days.)
When performing auto repeat recording or timer recording, do not neglect to conduct the routine inspections.
When recording images from a black-and-white camera, set the video signal mode on Menu Screen 4 to B_W.
Remove the cassette tape if the unit is to be left standing for a prolonged period of time.
When the power supply is interrupted during recording (with the switch still ON), a non-recorded portion will
be made in the beginning of the tape travel, or the tape will be over-recorded at its ending section. This is not
a malfunction.
Notes on operation
Tips For Better Recording
Set the MENU/REC LOCK switch to REC LOCK.
Set REC LOCK on Menu Screen 1 to ON. (See
In order to ensure greater reliability in monitoring, surveillance and other continuous operations lasting many hours,
this unit comes with some safety functions for recording. Read the following descriptions of these functions before
proceeding to operate the unit.
Recording Mode Lock
There are two ways, as described below, to maintain
the recording mode during recording by disabling the
operations of the switch as well as the TIME MODE
and operation buttons.
The following button and connectors are operational
during recording even if the unit is set to REC LOCK.
Alarm input connector, alarm reset connector
Recording Check
When the REC REVIEW button is pressed during
recording, the tape runs temporarily in the reverse
direction, and the recorded section is played back. This
function can be used to check the daily operation of the
equipment in the system.
When a power failure has occurred during recording,
the unit automatically starts recording if the power is
restored within approximately one week.
When the power cord has come out of the socket or
a power failure has occurred, no operations will be
acknowledged for about 30 seconds after the power
has been restored: this is to protect the tape.
Once the recording mode is established, recording
cannot be released until REC LOCK on Menu Screen
1 is set OFF.
Before power is restored After power is restored
Stop, play, fast forward Stop mode is established.
Recording mode is
Auto rewind
Auto rewind during auto
repeat recording
Unit is returned to the mode
applying before the power
When the power fails, the tape “loss” safety pro-
tection function is activated to protect the video heads
and video tape.