Operating Instructions

Drive / Shutter / Image Stabilizer Recording with Time Lapse Shot
Recording with Time Lapse Shot
Pictures are taken automatically at a set recording interval.
This feature is ideal for keeping track of changes over time in subjects such
as animals and plants.
The pictures taken will be saved as a set of group images that can also be
combined into a video. (ÎGroup Images: 478)
Set the drive mode to [ ].
Set the drive mode dial. (ÎSelecting the Drive Mode: 202)
Set [Mode] to [Time Lapse Shot].
¨ [ ] ¨ [ ] ¨ [Time Lapse/Animation] ¨ [Mode] ¨ [Time
Lapse Shot]
Check that the clock is set correctly. (ÎSetting the Clock (When Turning On for
the First Time): 68)
For long recording intervals, we recommend setting [Lens Focus Resume] to
[ON] in the [Custom] ([Lens / Others]) menu.