Operating Instructions

Focus / Zoom Record Using MF
You can change the Focus Peaking sensitivity and the display method:
([Focus Peaking]: 200)
You can memorize the MF Assist position separately for vertical and horizontal
([Focus Switching for Vert / Hor]: 194)
You can change the display method of the magnified screen:
([MF Assist]: 574)
You can change the MF Guide display units:
([MF Guide]: 575)
You can disable focus ring operation:
([Focus Ring Lock]: 575)
You can set the movement of the MF Assist position to loop:
([Looped Focus Frame]: 578)
The camera memorizes the focus point when you turn it off:
([Lens Focus Resume]: 602)
The amount of focus movement can be set:
([Focus Ring Control]: 603)
You can assign the function that displays the AF area/MF Assist movement
screens to an Fn button:
([Focus Area Set]: 543)