Owner manual

- 99 -
Advanced (Recording pictures)
Touch item to edit.
You can register up to 3 face images.
Press the shutter button halfway to close the menu.
About the information
Information about face registration recording is displayed when [ ] on the recording screen in
4 on page 98 is touched. (Touch [CANCEL] to return to the recording screen.)
Item Description of settings
It is possible to register names.
1 Touch [SET].
2 Enter the name.
For details on how to enter characters, refer to Entering Text
section on P128.
It is possible to register the birthday.
1 Touch [SET].
2 Set the Year/Month/Day by touching [3]/[4] for each
item, and touch [SET].
Change the displayed focus icon when the subject is focused.
Select and touch the focus icon.
To add additional face images.
Add Images)
1 Touch [ADD].
2 Perform steps 4 and 5 in “Registering face image of new
3 Touch [CANCEL].
To delete one of the face images.
1 Touch the face image to delete.
2 Touch [YES].
3 Touch [CANCEL].
If there is only one image registered, it cannot be deleted.