Operating Instructions

Table Of Contents
Saving or checking the system log and diagnosis results
Checking the system information
1. Swipe up the home screen, and then in the app list, tap [Hardware Diagnostic] ® [System
2. Check the details and then tap [OK].
Checking the system log
1. Swipe up the home screen, and then in the app list, tap [Hardware Diagnostic] ® [System Log].
2. Check the details and then tap [OK].
Saving the test results
1. After running hardware diagnostics, tap
® [Save test result to the internal storage].
The test results are saved to:
Swipe up the home screen, and then in the app list, tap [Settings] ® [Storage] ® ([Internal shared
storage] ®) [Files] ® [DiagnosticResults].
Checking saved test results
1. Swipe up the home screen, and then in the app list, tap [Hardware Diagnostic] ® [Test Result].
2. Select the XML file of a saved test result, and then tap [OK].
3. Check the details, and then tap
to finish displaying the diagnosis results.
Sharing saved test results
1. Swipe up the home screen, and then in the app list, tap [Hardware Diagnostic] ® ® [Attach test
result to mail].
2. Select the zip file of a saved test result, and then tap [OK].
3. Select an app with which to share, and follow the on-screen instructions.
Saving the background Logcat (system log) to the internal storage
1. Swipe up the home screen, and then in the app list, tap [Hardware Diagnostic] ® ® [Save Logcat
in background].
2. Check the details and then tap [OK].
To stop saving, tap [Save Logcat in background] again to turn off the checkbox, and then tap
48 Operating Instructions - Reference Manual
Hardware diagnostics