Operating Instructions

To protect the lens contact points 1, do not place the lens
with its mount surface facing down. In addition, do not
allow the lens contact points to become dirty.
About Condensation (Fogging of the Lens)
Condensation occurs when there are differences in
temperature and humidity as described below.
Condensation can cause the lens to become dirty and
lead to mold and malfunctioning, so exercise caution in the
following situations:
When the camera is brought indoors from outside during
cold weather
When the camera is brought into an air-conditioned car
When cold air from an air conditioner is directly blown
onto the lens
In humid places
If condensation occurs, turn the power off and leave it for
about two hours. Once the camera acclimatizes to the
surrounding temperature the condensation will go away
Supplied Accessories
Product numbers correct as of June 2016. These may be
subject to change.
1 Lens Pouch
2 Lens Cap
3 Lens Rear Cap
4 Lens Hood
The lens rear cap and lens cap are attached to the
interchangeable lens at the time of purchase.
VFC4605 SYA0067
SQT1299_E.book 4 ペー 016年5月30日 月曜日 午前11時5分