Operation Manual

Searching for an item stored in the Phonebook
You can search for an item in the Phonebook by following the steps below.
Handset Phonebook
Scrolling through all items
1. Press .
2. Press
3. Press [ ] or [ ] repeatedly.
Searching by name or first character(s) of name
1. Press .
2. Enter the name or the first character(s) of the desired name.
3. Press
4. Press [
] or [ ] to select the desired item, if required.
Searching using first characters of name to narrow down items
1. Press .
2. Press .
3. Enter the first characters of the desired name.
Press [
] or [ ] to select the desired item, if required.
*1 You can enter up to 5 characters. Corresponding names appear as the characters are entered.
Searching by category
1. Press
2. Press
3. Select the desired category number by pressing the arrow keys, and then press .
4. Enter a name.
5. Press , or press [ ] or [ ].
6. Press [ ] or [ ] to select the desired item, if required.
*1 This step can be omitted.
R To enter characters, see Page 58.
R While an item is displayed you can:
Return to the "<Enter Name>" display by pressing
, then search for another item.
Search for another item by pressing the dial key that corresponds to the letter you are searching for.
If there is no entry that corresponds to the letter you selected, the next entry will be displayed.
PBX System Phonebook
Scrolling through all items
1. Press
2. Press .
3. Press .
Using the Handset Phonebook