
Scroll to the desired item by
pressing (›) or (‹).
All directory items are stored in the
order shown on the right.
To search for a name by initial
1 Press the dialing button for the
rst letter of the desired name
until any name with the same
initial is displayed (see the Index
table below).
Ex. To nd Frank, press (3)
repeatedly until the rst item
under F is displayed.
2 Press (›) repeatedly until the
name is displayed.
You can exit the directory list any time by pressing (OFF) or (EXIT/STOP).
If No items stored is displayed in step 2, the directory is empty.
Press (›). Press (‹).
Alphabet letter
Symbol (excluding and
Telephone number
(If no name is stored)
Other symbols, 1
A, B, C, 2
D, E, F, 3
G, H, I, 4
J, K, L, 5
IndexKeys IndexKeys
M, N, O, 6
P, Q, R, S, 7
T, U, V, 8
W, X, Y, Z, 9
Index table