Operating instructions

25g (1oz) caster sugar
5 ml (1tsp) cinnamon
50g (2oz) sultanas
2 cooking apples, peeled, cored and
15 ml (1tbsp) lemon juice
350g (12oz) puff pastry
Serves 4-6
Dish: 20 cm (8") pie plate
Accessory: anti-spark ring + wire shelf on
lower level
Preheat oven on CONVECTION 210°C. Mix together
sugar, cinnamon and sultanas.
Toss apples in lemon juice. Sprinkle sugar mixture over.
Divide pastry in half. Roll out half and line base of plate.
Place apple filling on top of pastry. Roll out remainder of
pastry and cut to a circle for lid. Seal edges, crimp and
brush top with egg. Pierce top once. Place pie on anti-
spark ring on wire shelf and cook on CONVECTION
220°C + SIMMER MICROWAVE for 18-20 mins. or until
cooked. Turn pie half way thorough cooking.
Apple Pie
1 small potato, thinly sliced
200g (7oz) puff pastry
1 small onion, sliced
small apple, peeled, cored and
salt & pepper to taste
75g (3oz) cheese, grated or
crumbled, e.g. Stilton, Roule etc.
1 egg, beaten
Serves 4-6
Dish: shallow dish, Glass tray, greased
Accessory: no accessory then wire shelf in
lower position
Place potato in a shallow dish with 3tbsp water. Cover,
place on base of oven and cook on HIGH MICROWAVE
for 3 mins. Drain. Roll out the pastry to an oblong 25 x
27 cm (10 x 11"). Lift onto baking sheet. With a knife, cut
each side of the long edges diagonally at 2.5 cm (1")
intervals, to give strips which will become plaits. Arrange
layers of potato, onion and apple down the centre of the
pastry. Season. Sprinkle over the cheese. Brush the
pastry strips with beaten egg and fold alternately over the
mixture to form a plait. Preheat oven on CONVECTION
210°C. Place potato plait on Glass tray and glaze with
beaten egg. Place tray on wire shelf and cook on
mins. or until crisp and golden.
Savoury Potato Plait