Instruction and Cookery Book english

Reheating time
BABY BOTTLES - see below
Cooked beans 225 g 2 min.
Cooked beans and sausages 450 g 5 min.
Ravioli in sauce 215 g 2 min.
Rice 277 g 2 min.
Spaghetti bolognese 210 g 2 min.
Spaghetti with tomato sauce 213 g 2 min.
Chili con carne 410 g 3 min. 30 sec.
Hot dogs (in brine) 415 g 2 min. 30 sec.
Meat balls 418 g 4 min. 30 sec.
Minced beef and onions 392 g 2 min. 30 sec.- 3 min.
Braised beef 405 g 3 min. 30 sec.
Reheating time
Tinned soup
Cream of mushroom 425 g 4 min. 30 secs.
Cream of tomato 425 g 3 min.
Minestrone 300 g 3 min.
Your oven allows you to safely reheat ready-meals offered by
supermarkets as well as dishes you have cooked or your leftovers. All
you have to do is carefully check that the food is sufficiently hot before
serving, as you would with a normal oven. You must also take care to
store the cold food that is to be reheated correctly, preferably by
keeping them in a refrigerator beforehand.
Which mode should be used for reheating food?
The mode to be used, i.e. microwave or combination cooking, varies
depending on the type of food to be reheated. To reheat food which
does not need to brown, only use the microwave mode. To reheat food
which needs to be crisp, choose the combination cooking mode.
With a frozen tart or quiche, not only do you have to reheat the food but
you also have to cook the pastry. Since crispy pastry cannot be
achieved with microwaves and combination cooking, you should cook
this type of food in a traditional oven.
How long does it take to reheat food?
At the bottom of this page you will find reheating tables for microwave
and combination cooking modes. The lengths of time mentioned in
these tables are for REFERENCE ONLY. The exact lengths of time vary
depending on the weight of the food, the size of the container used and
the initial temperature.
What should I do if the food I need to reheat is not listed in
the tables?
Although it is not possible to list all the food available on the market in
these tables, we have tested a large range. By following our
recommendations, you can reheat your food perfectly and safely.
Turning and stirring
As far as possible, we recommend that you turn or stir the food during
reheating in order to even the temperature throughout the food.
Standing time
In most cases, you must LEAVE FOOD TO STAND after reheating in
order to allow the heat to spread to the centre of the food and to ensure
equal temperature throughout. If you have covered food during
reheating, leave the cover in place during the standing time. This is
vitally important when you are reheating thick foods such as lasagne or
shepherd's pie, or even food that you cannot stir during reheating.
When is the food reheated?
Reheated food should be served hot throughout, i.e. when it is piping
hot. As long as basic hygiene rules are followed during the preparation
and storage of the food, reheating using the microwave or combination
cooking mode does not pose any additional health risk. We recommend
that you cut food which cannot be stirred with a knife to ensure that it is
correctly reheated. In addition to following the manufacturer's
instructions and the lengths of time mentioned in the reheating tables at
the bottom of this page, we strongly recommend checking that the food
is hot throughout. If in doubt, place the food back into the oven and
reheat for a few further seconds.
Reheating with microwaves
Use maximum power (1000 W)
The milk or the formula MUST be thoroughly mixed before and after
heating. It must also be carefully checked before being given to the
With a 60ml baby bottle of milk kept in the refrigerator, remove the cap
and the teat, heat the milk at 1000 W for around 10 seconds, then
Since the liquid at the top of the baby bottle is much hotter than that at
the bottom, you must mix the contents of the bottle thoroughly before
checking the temperature.