Instruction and Cookery Book english

Flounder filets with herb cream
Cut along the length of the flounder filets, season with salt and pepper. Place in layers on a
buttered gratin dish. Chop the basil and parsley and sprinkle over the fish. Place a cover over
the fish. Scatter with flakes of butter and cook on the “gratin” automatic programme.
400 - 500g flounder filets
30g butter
2 tbsp white wine
1 cup of sauce cream
2-3 tbsp breadcrumbs
Salt, pepper
Kohlrabi salad
Wash the kohlrabi and cut into 5mm sticks. Place on a dish, cover and cook on the automatic
programme “vegetables”. Leave to stand covered.
Place 2 tbsp of oil and the onions in a pot, cover and braise for 2-3 min on full power. Add the
white wine or stock and cook on full power for 2 min. Add the remaining oil and the lemon juice
and season with salt and pepper. Add the kohlrabi, cover and cook at 600 W for 2 min. Serve the
salad warm on a plate and garnish with anchovies, olives and chives.
3 small kohlrabi
4 tbsp olive oil
1-2 onions, chopped
1 dl white wine or stock
3 tbsp lemon juice
1 tin of anchovies
Black olives
Salt, pepper
Tomato au gratin
Cut the tomatoes into 1cm slices and coat with mustard on one side. Place them on a gratin
buttered dish. Braise the bacon pieces and onions for 2 min. on full power. Next, add the herbs
and the mushrooms. Season with salt and pepper and cook for 3 min. on full power. Place the
mushrooms on the tomatoes. Mix the eggs and the cream, season with salt and pepper and
pour on the gratin. Spread the cheese and cook with the automatic programme “gratin” on the
grill rack.
4-6 tomatoes
200g mushrooms, cut thinly
100g bacon pieces
1 onion, chopped
Parsley, chopped
Basil, chopped
1-2 tbsp mustard
3 eggs
1 dl single cream
50g grated cheese
1 tbsp butter
Salt, pepper